Unique id of this worker thread
Executes the given task on this worker thread. The given callback is invoked when the task has completed
the task to execute
the callback to invoke when the execution has complted. The callback is invoked either with an error or a result, depending on the outocome of the execution
Stops the worker as soon as possible. An already started task on this worker thread might be interrupted or is prevented from starting at all.
Generated using TypeDoc
Abstraction of a thread that is used to execute a ITask. A worker thread can execute one ITask at a time. It may consist of two parts. The worker thread that resists in the main thread and acts as facade to the underlining worker slave. The worker slave executes the tasks scheduled on the worker thread in a dedicated environment, e.g. a web worker or child process. The worker slave normally does not resist in the main thread memory and communicates with the worker thread using messaging
Acts as abstraction of the actually used environment (node, browser...)