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Interface IParallelOptions

Options that affect how a parallel operation is executed.




Optional functionCallSerializer

functionCallSerializer: FunctionCallSerializer

Serializer used to serialize FunctionCalls

Optional maxDegreeOfParallelism

maxDegreeOfParallelism: undefined | number

Defines the max degree of parallelism to use for a scheduled job. The value defines in how many task the scheduler is allowed to split the task at most. A value of 1 creates exactly one task. Undefined does not limit the max degree and leaves it to the scheduler to decide.


undefined / unlimited

Optional maxValuesPerTask

maxValuesPerTask: undefined | number

The maximum number of values assigned to a single task. If the number of values exceed the maxValuesPerTask, an additional task is created to process the values (until the values per Task are less then maxValuesPerTask)

Optional minValuesPerTask

minValuesPerTask: undefined | number

The minimum number of values assigned to a single task before the work is split and assigned another task

Optional scheduler

The scheduler that should be used to determine the number of tasks to create.

Optional threadPool

threadPool: IThreadPool

The thread pool to use to schedule the tasks

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